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Paul Harris Fellows

The Paul Harris Fellowship is named for Paul Harris, who founded Rotary with three business associates in Chicago in 1905. The fellowship was established in his honor in 1957 to express appreciation for a contribution of $1,000 to the humanitarian and educational programs of The Rotary Foundation.


The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.  Contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world. Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.

Thirty-two current members of the Rotary Club of Fulton are Paul Harris Fellows. Members contribute a minimum of $120 to The Rotary Foundation each year until they become Paul Harris Fellows. Paul Harris Fellows earn additional recognition by earning “plus” recognition for each additional $1,000 in contributions. Members whose lifetime contributions to the Foundation total $10,000 earn the status of “Major Donor” with appropriate recognition. Rotarians who contribute $1,000 or more annually to The Rotary Foundation become members of the Paul Harris Society. 

Additionally, members are encouraged to name the Rotary Foundation in their will, becoming Benefactors for amounts in excess of $1,000, or members of the Bequest society for amounts in excess of $10,000. 


Paul Harris Fellows


Charles Anderson  +1

Mary Ann Beahon +8-Major Doner *#     

John Bell +2

Mary Bell

Jacque Brazas

Ray Brown +1

Bill Bryant +2

Tim Conner

Jacque Cowherd +2

David Crane

Karen Digh Allen 

Carol England +1

Jill Gamlin +1

Amanda Gowin

Bob Hansen +8-Major Donor

Allen Huggins

Charles James +3       

Susan Krumm +2

Denton Kurtz +2

Marcia Lamons +1

Debbie LaRue +1

Debbie Laughlin +8 *#

Brenda Loeffler

Steve Long

Ernest Mahoro

Sherry McCarthy +4

Joan Berry Morris +1

Henry Niles +8-Major Donor *

Jan Reyes +2

Sardar Sherzad

Bob Sterner +1

Stephanie Rademan

Coletta Williams 


* Also members of the Paul Harris Society

# Also member of the Bequest Society

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